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  • +(+254) 718 222 333
  • info@kingswayautowatch.co.ke




A vehicle tracking device is a security apparatus mounted on a movable asset that monitors and records every movement and events triggered at any particular time.

A vehicle tracking device transmits/relays data which include the following but not limited to: Trip listing reports, Business mileage reports, Curfew mileage reports, Idling reports, Odometer/hours report, Stopping report, Telemetry report. It should be noted these reports are customized as per client preference.

A vehicle can be immobilized remotely from our fully dedicated 24hr control room at any given time as per instructions from client.

The tracking device does not in any way drain battery power. The tracking device has an operating voltage from 8v-32 DC and a back up battery that enables the device to store data for 72Hrs when a mobile asset is not active.

No, the installation is integrated to an already functioning vehicle system.

M/S Kingsway Autowatch Ltd system analyses driver behavior and notifies the user with the following features but not limited to over speeding alerts, harsh acceleration alerts and harsh breaking alerts.

M/S Kingsway Autowatch Ltd fleet management system assists the user to make informed decisions with aid of analytical reports from fuel usage, service and maintenance.

All data is archived indefinitely and accessible when needed.